ARCODA S.R.L., considera la tutela dei dati personali un principio fondamentale da garantire nell’erogazione dei propri servizi, progettando ed implementando procedure e standard privacy conformi ai principi dettati dal nuovo Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 sulla protezione dei dati personali (General Data Protection Regulation, di seguito “GDPR”) e della normativa nazionale in materia di protezione dei dati personali.
Il Titolare del trattamento è ARCODA S.R.L., Via Del Brennero, 139 - 38121 Trento (TN) - C.Fisc. e P.IVA 02038940223, T. 0461/1920144 - F. 0461/1860888, W., M. | Email PEC
Il Responsabile della protezione dei dati (RPD) designato è: Studio Gadler s.r.l – referente Giovanni Poletto.
I dati di contatto dell’RPD sono: Tel. 0461-512522 | Email: | Email PEC
Di seguito sono elencate le principali informative sul trattamento dei dati personali effettuato da Arcoda s.r.l., anche mediante strumenti automatizzati e applicazioni web:
Per l’esercizio dei diritti di cui agli artt. 15 e ss. del GDPR si prega di utilizzare il modulo allegato.
La sicurezza e la prevenzione rispetto alle violazioni dei dati personali costituiscono due punti cardine della disciplina contenuta nel GDPR. Per questa ragione, il titolare e il responsabile del trattamento sono tenuti a valutare i rischi inerenti al trattamento e attuare misure per limitare tali rischi, nonché a prevedere una procedura di segnalazione in caso di violazione dei dati personali. Per “violazione dei dati personali” (c.d. data breach) s’intende la violazione di sicurezza che comporta accidentalmente o in modo illecito la distruzione, la perdita, la modifica, la divulgazione non autorizzata o l'accesso ai dati personali trasmessi, conservati o comunque trattati.
Per la segnalazione di incidenti di sicurezza che possono comportare un data breach è necessario seguire la procedura per la gestione delle violazioni di dati personali (Procedura di gestione delle violazioni di dati personali - data breach) utilizzando il modulo allegato.
Per problematiche generali relative ai data breach chiunque può contattare il RPD all’indirizzo mail
Ulteriori approfondimenti sono disponibili alla seguente pagina del sito istituzionale del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
This Cookie Policy provides information for users on the way we use cookies and/or monitoring technologies to collect information given when they visit the website.
The Data Controller that processes the personal data gathered through the Website is Arcoda srl, which has its legal headquarter at via del Brennero 139, 38015 Trento (ITALY). Arcoda will process your personal data in compliance with the applicable personal data protection legislation.
Cookies are small text files that websites send to users’ devices (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook, etc.), where they are saved and then sent back to the same sites on the user’s next visit. Cookies may require the user’s prior consent.
Cookies allow the device on which they are stored to be identified for the entire period of their validity or registration. During visits to the Website, navigation data-related information received from the user’s device may be stored in cookies installed on the latter.
Cookies perform different functions and make navigating the Website more efficient by remembering the user’s preferences and enhancing their navigation experience. They can also help personalise the advertisements shown during navigation and the marketing activities aimed at the user, ensuring that they reflect his/her interests and preferences.
Cookie settings can be changed at any time. The following information provides further detail about the cookies used by the Website and the ways the settings relating to them can be managed.
When a user connects to the Website via their web browser, cookies may be installed on their device in order to enable the Website to recognise that device, ensuring the effective use of the Website for the lifetime of the cookies, and to collect information on accesses to the Website.
When navigating the Website, cookies may also be sent to the device from other sites or servers (i.e. “third parties”); these may contain certain elements (e.g. images, maps, sound, specific links to pages in other domains) present on the site being visited. With regard to this profile, these may be:
Depending on the purpose of the cookies, these can be divided into:
Technical cookies: their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session-identifying data (numbers generated randomly by the server) necessary for the secure, efficient navigation of the website; these are not persistent cookies stored on the user’s computer but are erased when the browser is closed. These cookies are used for security reasons and to improve the service offered to users.
Arcoda uses the following Technical Cookies:
Profiling cookies create user profiles and are used to send out advertising messages that reflect the preferences expressed by the latter while surfing the web or to enhance their navigation experience. These cookies can be used for this purpose only with the user’s consent.
Cookie analytics: cookies which are used to analyse the number of users that visit the Website and the ways in which the Website is used, collecting the information in aggregate form. Arcoda does not uses these cookies.
The site makes use of the Google Analytics service. These cookies have been anonymised (i.e. the user's IP has been rendered anonymous), effectively transforming Analytics cookies from profiling cookies to technical cookies using the option provided by Google itself. Therefore, these cookies are assimilated to technical cookies and are processed in aggregate form to monitor the areas of the site that are most visited, improve the content of the site, facilitate its use by the user and monitor the proper functioning of the site.
Almost all web browsers allow you to check which cookies are on your hard drive, block all cookies or receive a warning every time a cookie is installed. In some cases, however, failure to install a cookie may make it impossible to use some areas of the wbsite.
Below are the main ways in which the most popular browsers enable users to choose their cookie use options:
If you are using a mobile device, you should consult the instruction manual for information on how to manage cookies.
Last update on 12/12/2024